Protective masks are currently mandatory. The price thus tends to rise, which is quite normal, since it is the law of supply and demand. However, it is still possible to find suppliers of masks that are cheap, but with an optimal level of protection.
Internet remains the only way to find cheap masks. Online stores have fewer constraints than physical stores. It’s easier for them to lower their prices compared to traditional stores. However, on the internet, scams are also numerous.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, several sites have been created to sell masks. It is advisable to be wary of them.
Even if there are notices, one should still not rely blindly on them. It is necessary to see when they were published. A site created in May, but which displays notices published in April is not very reliable.
In order to avoid disappointment, it is always better to use reputable online sales sites. It is best to go to Amazon and reputable e-commerce sites. The products will be of better quality and delivery is always guaranteed. The price also remains affordable.
To make sure you don’t miss out on any bargains, it would also be wise to go through an independent comparator such as This comparator has been specially designed to give the individual the opportunity to compare the available offers before making his choice. The particularity of this comparator is that it shows the price of each type of mask in France. You could also see the course of the evolution of the price of masks over time.
By consulting this comparator, it becomes easier to determine the defenses to be planned for the purchase of masks. The comparator has been designed to show the expenses to be foreseen for a mask need during a week, a fortnight or thirty days. There is one comparator to determine the need for individuals and another for business needs. The calculation is made on the basis of the daily need of each individual.
Masks are medical devices. The best way to ensure the quality of a protective mask is to go to a pharmacy. Masks sold in pharmacies are completely reliable. Their quality has surely already been checked before they are put on sale. As far as hygiene is concerned, in a pharmacy, you also have the certainty that it has been scrupulously respected. The stock in pharmacy is regularly checked. There is little risk that the masks are contaminated during storage. There is thus the assurance that the masks keep all their sterile properties before use.
It is also possible to buy protective masks in supermarkets. Almost all supermarket chains offer protective masks for sale to private individuals. As in pharmacies, the stock is quite controlled. It is not sold in self-service, to avoid abuse. Boxes of masks are rationed to give everyone the chance to get them.
Buying masks in supermarkets is not always a good deal. The price can be quite high compared to other distribution channels. Here again, the independent comparator that we have put online can help you find the cheapest mask in the city of your choice. You can also enrich our database by letting us know the price of masks you found near you.
Today, the surgical mask is on almost every face. To better fight against the pandemic, wearing a mask has become mandatory in most public places. As demand is far greater than supply, it is normal that the price increases on the market. But what is the real price of a surgical mask? Some answers.
The surgical masks sold in France are made in China. A Chinese wholesaler supplies nearly 14,000 French pharmacies. The price has risen sharply. As an indication, a lot was negotiated at 70 centimeters in May. On leaving the factory, the price of a surgical mask varies from 4 to 16 centimes. This price goes increasing, once sold in France. The actual price varies depending on the importer.
The main supplier remains the same, yet the selling price is not the same everywhere. As mentioned above, the final selling price of protective masks varies according to the margins that the importer takes. In France, the selling price of a surgical type protective mask is capped at 95 cents. This is quite high compared to that charged in other European Union countries. A mask is sold for 70 cents in Germany and the United Kingdom, compared to only 50 cents in Italy. Only Spain has a higher price than in France.
There are different types of protective masks. Some models have been designed to best protect the vulnerable and sick. Others are more suitable for healthy people. Still others are washable. What to choose? It all depends on the level of protection you are looking for.
The surgical mask is the most commonly used protective mask. It prevents the spread of secretions through the nose, mouth and larynx. When the wearer exhales, secretions from the upper airways and saliva do not spread. This type of mask must be worn by a contagious person as soon as the first symptoms appear. This will prevent him/her from contaminating the environment and those around him/her. People with influenza must also wear this type of mask to avoid contamination.
The surgical mask does not protect indefinitely. Its duration of protection is about 4 hours, maximum. Once it is wet or soiled, it is imperative to throw it in a garbage can. To avoid contamination, it is best to dispose of it in a covered trash can or better yet, seal it in a plastic bag before disposal. This type of mask is usually distributed free of charge to Covid-19 patients.
The washable cloth mask can be used to limit the risk of contamination. However, no scientific data has been provided to prove the real effectiveness of this mask. However, wearing it always contributes to reduce the risks of virus transmission. This type of mask is not recommended for sick people. However, it can be useful for a healthy person who does not want to be in contact with the virus.
Like the surgical mask, the cloth mask does not protect indefinitely. Its duration of protection is 4 hours maximum. Beyond this time, it is advisable to remove the mask and wash it properly. The washable mask is reusable indefinitely. However, after each use, it should be washed immediately. It is also important to ensure that the fabric is free of tears. If there are any tears, the mask should be discarded immediately, as it will no longer provide any protection.
The FFP2 mask is the model that offers the best level of protection. It protects the wearer against infectious agents present in the environment. It will therefore not be contaminated by airborne particles and sputum.
This mask differs from the surgical protection mask by the fact that it consists of a face piece and a filtration device. The main advantage of this type of mask is that it offers a significantly longer protection time than other mask models. While other types of protection only protect the wearer for 4 hours, the FFP2 mask protects the wearer for up to 8 hours.
The disadvantage of this mask is that it can be difficult to tolerate if it is worn for too long. Each model is different, so it is always best to see the seller’s recommendations at the time of purchase.
Because of its fairly high level of protection, this type of mask is mostly recommended for healthcare professionals. It will protect them against the risks of human-to-human and pandemic transmission. People who are fragile, or who are most likely to be exposed to the virus should also prefer this type of mask. Once it is removed, it should be immediately discarded, as should the surgical mask.
To prevent the spread of Coronavirus, the government has made the wearing of masks mandatory for the general public. From now on, in enclosed public places such as elevators, corridors, meeting rooms, the wearing of masks is mandatory. Finding the mask at the best price is the challenge. Thanks to our know-how, we have set up a participative price comparator allowing to find a mask at the best price.
Alcyons is a company specialized in the development of medical applications. Since 1995, we have been providing our know-how to hospitals, EPHADs and healthcare centers. Our objective is to provide them with a useful tool that will allow them to manage their drug stock in the best possible way and to meet the needs of patients.
In accordance with the values we have always held dear, we have put in place a participatory price comparison system. Our objective is to enable everyone to find a protective mask at the best price. Since the wearing of masks has become mandatory, especially in public places and confined spaces, the price of masks can vary from one place to another.
This comparator, as its name suggests, is a participatory comparator. In other words, everyone can contribute to its enrichment. Individuals, you can go to the comparator and report the price of masks in your city. This will allow us to make our comparisons as relevant as possible.
The data we offer on our comparator is very reliable. We don’t make our comparisons based only on what you tell us. Many cities and institutions contact us to help us enrich our database. Pharmacies can also contact us to inform us about their prices. The same is true for health institutions such as EPHADs and retirement homes.