The Group of Seven (G7) is a forum of seven highly industrialized economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Its objective is to coordinate finance, the economy, employment, security, trade policy and many other areas.
“Each of the points discussed touches on digital. Today’s economy is partly based on digital technology and finance is all about technology. This is called FinTech. Digital transformation has many impacts on the way systems are organized, on people, on techniques and technologies and finally on business strategies.
The more broadband an Internet is, the more it is deployed and used. A study shows that a 1% growth in digital usage generates a growth of 0.13% to 0.26% of GDP. 5G, even if it is criticized by many aspects, seems to be the answer.” Extract from
This organization has been involved for many years in the G7’s work on employment and education. He is working with G7 Labour Ministers and other stakeholders to address G7 leaders. The IBE also coordinates participation with trade unions in the G7 process.
The IBE strives to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the collaboration of the G7 countries to promote employment, growth, wealth creation and sustainable development. The main priorities of the IBE are: fostering a favourable business environment; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation; facilitating various forms of employment; strengthening non-discriminatory employment between men and women; promoting skills and lifelong learning; and facilitating labour migration in line with labour market needs. As an international organization representing employers, the IBE also gives a voice to companies that are not part of the G7, thus ensuring greater inclusion of the G7.